Power of Personalization: Burial Caket Urn for Papa Gene
Eugene Walton Forsythe
December 5, 1921 - September 15, 2019 Today we laid our grandfather to rest. Eugene Walton Forsythe was granted a long life of 97 years. We were fortunate to care for him at home in his last days. He reunited with his love, Doris June, on September 15th...the day they would have celebrated 73 years of marriage. He was the last born of 13 children...a was proud and brave soldier...a strong, hardworking father...and a loving grandfather. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
We created this custom Casket urn with his beautiful, old-fashioned signature. His wish was to be cremated...my grandmother wished for him to have a casket and be buried. Today he was interred next to his beloved wife....so, that they both get their wishes.
Power of Personalization: A Symbolic Blue Butterfly
For an Australian family, who wanted a special blue butterfly urn to symbolize their dad.
They shared with us butterfly images they liked...including an image of a blue butterfly print that has hung in their home for years.
For their dad, an Interior Designer, they specifically wanted the piece to be a vibrant matte blue, and to include a special handwritten quote he had written to them.
We worked with them to create a design concept of the butterfly's shape and wing pattern.
Power of Personalization: Captain Lived Life 'His Way'
For an Alabama Coast Shrimp Boat Capt’n…who lived
and loved fully, unabashedly, his own way. These shrimp boat urns were
handmade in his honor, for each of his three sisters.
Made for a local friend, Kathy, and her family...she would tell stories of her brother Doug's adventures and trials, big wins and pitfalls. Doug was known for his kind heart and unconventional style. The last boat he owned was fittingly named, "My Way".
May he rest in peace.
The Power of Personalization: A Pine Cone for Will
Will was described as loving life and everything about it. His wife, Paula, wanted something related to nature to remember him...maybe a Pine Tree or nature scene? We suggested that a Pine Cone urn would be cool and she agreed.
They were married in Lake Tahoe and she saved a pine cone from their time spent there together. Following his passing, Paula returned to Lake Tahoe for some needed time and reflection. She took along Will's cremains and scattered a portion of the ashes there in remembrance of him and their union.
Pine trees hold a special place in our hearts too. We loved creating this piece to honor Will. We hope that it offers Paula, and their family, some comfort and beauty in their time of mourning and in the years ahead.
Power of Personalization: Stock Car for The Margarita Lady
We were honored again to create a custom piece for the Flickinger Family. This piece makes the third urn they've asked us to make. We were touched that they entrusted us to help them memorialize Mom this time.
Wanda loved dirt track, stock car racing. A long time fan, she was known as "The Margarita Lady" to her racing friends, and had expressed that wanting a stock car urn when it came her time. We based the design from pictures sent of a Modified race car of her favorite driver, Wendell Wallace's #88 of Batesville, AR.
We hand delivered this piece to her family, who were happy with how the piece turned out and how perfect it was for Wanda.
The Power of Personalization: Cowboy Joe's Boots
Recently, we were asked by friends of the family to sculpt an urn for their loved one Joe.
Joe loved to ride his motorcycle, and was affectionately known as "Cowboy" to his bike club friends and loved ones. It was decided that the most fitting tribute to remember him would be his cowboy boots.
His wife, Robin, sent us pictures of his most recent pair of boots, of which he wore with a spur on his right boot. We used these pictures as our references to sculpt Joe's Boots.
Additional personal touches included engravings of his name, dates, a handwritten note to Robin.
Artists' Thoughts: Butterfly for Baby Vienna
We're sometimes overcome by significance of this memorial art and what it means for others. We take it so seriously, that it has it's moments of overwhelm with our desire to always do our best and meet any expectations the customer has...
...then we stop and take a deep breath.
We reflect on our purpose and give thanks for opportunities... to be a positive force, bringing comfort to others through our work... it's powerful, it's humbling, it's heartbreaking, it's beautifully human... it's love.
From our first communication with the Theriaque Family, we were so touched by their open hearts and kind words....
We worked with them to create a unique butterfly urn to remember their little girl. They chose design elements that they wanted represented.....the size, positioning, colors and engraving inscription.
The result, a sweet, precious cremation urn for Baby Vienna....
Upon receiving her urn...
...And our hearts are full.
In gratitude ~ MorzArt
The Power of Personalization: Twin Pedal Steels
For sisters, a pair of matching pedal steel guitar urns for a Florida dad and musician. They are engraved, "LGH Our Humble Hero" with dates on the sides.
His daughters chose to incorporate several sentimental elements...hunter green, for the green steel guitar their dad built himself...checkerboard pattern, for his love of chess...and the Emmons logo because he was friends with Buddy Emmons.
They shared with us a sweet story about the value he held in serving others through acts of kindness, and his encouragement for others to do the same.
His daughter shared:
"Our father left a beautiful legacy, which I would love to share with you, to give you an idea of what our Daddy was like. He was very political, and very much a smart aleck, but a big, soft, lovable teddy bear, too. A couple of local news stations did stories about his legacy. Please take a moment to view...and pass this information along to others, to continue spreading the love."
Power of Personalization: Custom, Hand-built Conga Drum
Power of Personalization: Custom Fender Cutaway
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The Power of Personalization: Custom Pedal Steel Guitar Urn
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The Power of Personalization: Custom Golf Ball
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The Power of Personalization: A Great Urn for a Great Friend
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The Power of Personalization: Lefty, Cut-Away Washburn
This custom guitar memorial is bound for Australia. We collaborated with the customer to create this special remembrance piece for her dad. It is inspired by his left-handed, cut-away Washburn that he loved so much.
It reads,
Stairway to Heaven
Dad (with flame design)
21.02.68 - 21.12.16
We received this kind note from his daughter:
"Thank you both it's absolutely beautiful!... I'm absolutely blown away at the outcome, it's truly amazing the work you do. I'm so grateful to have found you, I'd spent days searching for something to celebrate my dads passions in life, and you've delivered so much more than I'd ever expected...It's unbelievable the work and attention to detail. Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful memorial for my dad. It has so much character, he would have loved it and I certainly do. I'm absolutely over the moon. Thanks again Jamaica and Rob, you've truly outdone yourselves." - Bethany S.
The Power of Personalization: African Grey Parrot
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The Power of Personalization: For a True Texas Cowboy
12/13/1929 – 9/1/2016
In remembrance of this great man, we had the privilege of creating this custom Quarter Horse cremation urn sculpture. The Coles are family and we are so honored to memorialize Zane with our art. We hope that it provides them great comfort during this time, and becomes a treasure to the generations of Coles to come.
"I will pass through this world only once, so I intend to ride a good horse."