Dear Customers,
We wanted to take a moment to share some personal news and updates regarding our family and business.
Alton Gene 6/17/47 - 1/24/25 - Obituary |
This past September, Rob’s sister, Jamie, arrived from New Mexico. She was leaving a difficult relationship, looking to start a new chapter in life and find comfort with family. We set up a camper on our property for her and her pets. Having Jamie here brought fresh air into our daily lives and workload. She helped around the house, cared for the kids, and eased the stresses we were all facing with Uncle Al's care. Quick with a joke or smart remark, Jamie brought levity to every situation. She was unapologetically authentic, with a heart of gold.
On Jamaica’s birthday, February 3rd, we all had dinner together and enjoyed some cheesecake. Later that night, Jamie banged on our bedroom door, calling for Rob. We rushed out to find her struggling to catch her breath. Since moving in, she had experienced occasional shortness of breath and chest tightness. She said she had been having these episodes for over 15 years and we presumed were panic attacks. But this time, it escalated quickly—she turned pale and lost consciousness. We called 911, and Rob performed CPR as instructed. The paramedics arrived doing everything they could to resuscitate her, but they were unable to, and she passed away from a massive heart attack. She was 52 years old.
It was a scary situation that ended in the worst result. Needless to say, we are in shock and deep grief, having lost them both within days of each other. Watching Uncle Al wither away was a slow and painful process, one we saw coming. But losing Jamie so suddenly and unexpectedly has left us feeling shortchanged by the wonderful presence she brought into our daily lives. Yes, they were our family—but they were also our friends. And they both brought so much laughter to the world.Jamie Marie 12/11/72 - 2/3/25 Obituary |
Given these events, we are behind on our urn schedule and have temporarily stopped accepting new sales so we can focus on fulfilling existing orders. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this difficult time. We deeply appreciate your understanding and the graces given to our family at this time. Our memorial artwork comes from the heart, and right now our hearts are heavy.
We truly know the gravity of this work, and are so grateful to be entrusted with this task for your families. We will return as soon as possible. Please say a little prayer for our family, and know that we will fulfill promises made and will work diligently to get back on track.
Thank you for your continued support and grace.
- Jamaica & Rob