On a Personal Note: Our Bereavement

Dear Customers,

We wanted to take a moment to share some personal news and updates regarding our family and business.

In March 2024, Jamaica’s Uncle Al was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He moved into our studio space so we could help him navigate medical challenges, local oncology treatments, and, eventually, hospice care. He never had children of his own, so we were his closest family able to care for him. For 10 months, he fought bravely, but sadly, he passed away on January 24th.

Alton Gene  6/17/47 - 1/24/25 - Obituary
Uncle Al was one of a kind—witty, fun-spirited, and thoughtful. His friends were such a big part of his life, and he will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

This past September, Rob’s sister, Jamie, arrived from New Mexico. She was leaving a difficult relationship, looking to start a new chapter in life and find comfort with family. We set up a camper on our property for her and her pets. Having Jamie here brought fresh air into our daily lives and workload. She helped around the house, cared for the kids, and eased the stresses we were all facing with Uncle Al's care. Quick with a joke or smart remark, Jamie brought levity to every situation. She was unapologetically authentic, with a heart of gold.

On Jamaica’s birthday, February 3rd, we all had dinner together and enjoyed some cheesecake. Later that night, Jamie banged on our bedroom door, calling for Rob. We rushed out to find her struggling to catch her breath. Since moving in, she had experienced occasional shortness of breath and chest tightness. She said she had been having these episodes for over 15 years and we presumed were panic attacks. But this time, it escalated quickly—she turned pale and lost consciousness. We called 911, and Rob performed CPR as instructed. The paramedics arrived doing everything they could to resuscitate her, but they were unable to, and she passed away from a massive heart attack. She was 52 years old.

It was a scary situation that ended in the worst result. Needless to say, we are in shock and deep grief, having lost them both within days of each other. Watching Uncle Al wither away was a slow and painful process, one we saw coming. But losing Jamie so suddenly and unexpectedly has left us feeling shortchanged by the wonderful presence she brought into our daily lives. Yes, they were our family—but they were also our friends. And they both brought so much laughter to the world.

Jamie Marie Obit
Jamie Marie 12/11/72 - 2/3/25 Obituary

Given these events, we are behind on our urn schedule and have temporarily stopped accepting new sales so we can focus on fulfilling existing orders. We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this difficult time. We deeply appreciate your understanding and the graces given to our family at this time.  Our memorial artwork comes from the heart, and right now our hearts are heavy. 

We truly know the gravity of this work, and are so grateful to be entrusted with this task for your families.  We will return as soon as possible. Please say a little prayer for our family, and know that we will fulfill promises made and will work diligently to get back on track.

Thank you for your continued support and grace.

- Jamaica & Rob


Announcing our new initiative: GuitarUrns.com

Showcasing our one-of-a-kind Guitar Urn Memorials

We’re excited to launch www.GuitarUrns.com, dedicated to creating custom, one-of-a-kind handmade ceramic cremation urns inspired by your loved one’s cherished instrument. 

Music connects us, and what better tribute than a unique urn that reflects their passion? Each piece is meticulously crafted from high-quality clay and fired to create a lasting tribute to their musical spirit. 

Explore our online gallery to view previous tribute projects that celebrate the individuality of unique guitar players. Our urns are designed to honor their legacy in a deeply personal way. 

Visit GuitarUrns.com to learn more and discover how we can create a meaningful memorial for your beloved musician. We’re here to help you celebrate their life in a beautiful, artistic manner. Thank you for letting us be part of this journey.



Good Grief: Why thank you, Google!

Recently, we received an ironic compliment from Google: our Catfish urn listing was flagged for "Sale of Live Animals." Clearly, the image of our ceramic urn was so lifelike that it confused Google’s review system! While it’s amusing that our urn was mistaken for a real fish, we see it as a testament to the quality and commitment to our work. Thank you, Google, for the unexpected praise!


Power of Personalization: Custom Urns, Unique like your Beloved


We honor your loved ones with custom urns that reflect their passions and personality. Each urn is not just a resting place but a work of art, crafted to keep their spirit alive and inspire stories for generations.  Adding to our gallery of works....

A PR Baseball Cap...
Fan Art to remember Tito.

A black Gibson Dove acoustic...
the guitar Captain Rob always wanted.

A  Treban Electric Bass guitar...in memory of Bailey. 
We saw brilliance while the world was asleep.

A pair of Bouquets with Sunflowers and Daisies...
Hand delivered to TX sisters to remember their mom.


Power of Personalization: Puerto Rican Domino Keepsake


Puerto Rican Coqui Frog, Flag - Domino Urn

Awesome Urns feedback

In memory of Daniel Valaquez of New York, a Puerto Rican Coquí frog Domino keepsake urn.  This piece was chosen for him by his daughter, and finished with a "double four" having special significance to her.


Power of Personalization: 45s Record Stack Urn

We love this fun and nostalgic piece created in memory of Michael.  A stack of 45 RPM Records, featuring a forward displayed Record personalized with custom labels...just perfect for this music lover and Beatles fan.

45 RPM Records Stack Urn

45 RPM Records Stack Urn


Power of Personalization: Custom Guitar Urns Handmade with Love


We can create a truly unique cremation urn modeled after your loved ones instrument.  All handmade from clay and fired to ceramic, we offer urn sculptures to honor your beloveds personality.  Here are several custom Guitars we made recently... a green striped Paul Reed Smith Electric, a gold-top Gibson Les Paul, a cream Fender Stratocaster, and a white Bret Michaels Z Dean (with Bret's signature).

Paul Reed Smith Guitar - Cremation Urn Fan Art

Gibson Les Paul Gold Top - Cremation Urn Fan Art

Fender Stratocaster - Cremation Urn Fan Art

Dean Bret Michaels Z - Cremation Urn Fan Art


Good Grief: What People Are Saying

As each year passes, we remain so grateful for the opportunities to help families in such a meaningful and loving way. With our hands and from our hearts, this work continues to bless us in immeasurable ways.

Butterfly Monarch Urn

In memory of a mom who raised Monarchs in Missouri with her daughter.

Puerto Rican Flag Design

In memory of Puerto Rican drummer for his family living in Hawaii. 

For a Baby Girl

Winged heart, built at half-volume, for a Dutch baby girl.

For Christian Mother

A faithful memorial for a mother who passed unexpectedly.


A Sunflower piece for a young lady, with the Butterfly painted in her favorite colors.

A Longhorn Bull urn created on rush for a family in Illinois.

A Guitar urn with Spanish engraving memorializing a father of four.

Monarch urn, on rush delivery, for a Mom who loved and raised butterflies.


MorzArt's Surprise Creation - A Baby Girl

MorzArt's surprise creation is here!!  After 25 years together, and at the age of 43, we are blessed and excited to welcome a baby girl into our family.  
We are working diligently to accomplish projects in the wake of her arrival.  We appreciate your understanding of our new family dynamic and the precious time accompanying her birth in November 2021.  

Our MorzArt Family

Her arrival has us reminiscing over our time together. We have immense gratitude to the Creator for all that he gives us and the new adventures ahead.  💕

See more About Us here:  www.awesomeurns.com/p/about-us.html


Power of Personalization: Zuni Bear


We created this custom Naive American influenced Zuni Bear in memory of our neighbor lady, Jan. This memorial was inspired by a tattoo that she had and her love of Native culture.